Sunday 8 March 2015

The Subject and Grammar in E-mail

In this post I will discuss the importance of subject and grammar in email writing. The subject is the most important part of an email because it is the first thing the recipient sees. It should be a clear and short sentence because an unclear subject confuses the recipient and is a sign of bad e-mail. Avoid empty or confusing words in the subject, for example do not write one word subject lines such as "Help", "Problem", or "Free"(Guffey, Loewy, Rhodes, & Rogin, 2013, P. 153.) Ideally, the recipient should be aware of the main message of the email from only your subject, which is important because your recipient might be too busy to read the entire email. The video below explains how to write effective subject lines:

The use of proper grammar is important in emails. Before sending the email you must check for spelling mistakes, do a proper proofread, and review the entire email via spell check option. E-mails have become a mainstream channel of communication. That's why it's important to take the time to organize your thoughts, compose carefully, and be concerned with correct grammar and punctuation. (Guffey et al., 2013, p. 151).

Do you think it is okay to sometimes use slang or internet acronyms such as 'lol', 'ttyl', 'afk' etc in order to save time? What do you value most in an email, ability to write and send it quickly or an email with proper punctuation and grammar?


Lussier, N. (2013, April 30). Effective Email Subject Lines & And How To Write Them [video file].
          Retrieved from

Guffey, M.E., Loewy, D., Rhodes, k., &Rogin, P.(2013). Business Communication Process &
          Product (4th Brief Canadian Edition ed.). Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Nelson Education Ltd.

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